Australia Kennel, IATA approved travel crate IATA認可 澳洲寵物飛機箱



[:en]Features include tough durable construction with easy-open squeeze latch, wire vents on side walls, interior moat to keep pets dry and tie-down strap holes on the perimeter for zip-tie installation and extra security during airline travel.

This kennel is easy-to-assembly–no tools required. Pet owners should always confirm the airline travel requirements for each trip.

BB35(150) 26” 65cm 17.5” 44cm 17.5” 45cm

BB45(200) 29” 75cm 19.5” 50cm 21” 53cm

BB55(300) 33.5” 85cm 22”56cm 24” 60cm

PP60(400) 39” 100cm 25”62cm 29” 73cm

PP75 (500) 45″ 115cm 26”66.5cm 32”80cm

PP80(*600) 45” 115cm 26”66cm 35” 89cm

PP90(700) 52” 131cm 31.5” 80cm 32” 82cm

PP100(*800) 52” 131cm 31.5” 80cm 38” 97cm

Measurement: Length x Width x Height

Colour and size vary with crate size. Price includes delivery, Crate deliver to all locations where vehicle can drive, except Discovery Bay and South Lantau and Outlying islands. Contact us for specific requirements or inquiries.

Please follow airline or IPATA or relocation company guidance on crate size choice.

Here’s some information would like you to confirm if this is ok before we proceed with the order.

– Doesn’t comes not in a cardboard box / has no individual packaging
– Not refundable. Please get the crate size right.  If not sure welcome to go to our sister company site in Sai Kung Country Park to check the size first.
– Driver will only leaves at the lobby so you may need 2 people to carry it upstairs to your property.
– Can deliver assembled or assembled (except for PP80 and PP100 which are always assembled) up to your request; eg you may need to check if the crate can fit in the lift after assembled.
– Delivery arrangements depend on our driver’s availability and can take one week.

[:zh]澳洲 寵物飛機箱


Petmate寵物飛機箱易於組裝-無需工具。 寵物主人應對每次旅行的航空公司旅行要求作出確認。

BB35(150) 26” 65cm 17.5” 44cm 17.5” 45cm

BB45(200) 29” 75cm 19.5” 50cm 21” 53cm

BB55(300) 33.5” 85cm 22”56cm 24” 60cm

PP60(400) 39” 100cm 25”62cm 29” 73cm

PP75 (500) 45″ 115cm 26”66.5cm 32”80cm

PP80(*600) 45” 115cm 26”66cm 35” 89cm

PP90(700) 52” 131cm 31.5” 80cm 32” 82cm

PP100(*800) 52” 131cm 31.5” 80cm 38” 97cm


外圍尺寸:吋(長) x 吋(闊) x 吋(高)


顏色和尺寸隨飛機箱 尺寸而變化。 價格包括運送費用,飛機箱運送到車輛可行駛的所有地點,除了愉景灣和南大嶼山及離島地區。 請與我們聯繫以獲取特定飛行要求或查詢。



請先參考以下資訊, 如同意請確認下單。

Here’s some information would like you to confirm if this is ok before we proceed with the order.

– 沒有獨立包裝袋/盒。

– Doesn’t comes not in a cardboard box / has no individual packaging
– 不設退款。請確認所需寵物飛機箱大小正確適用。如不確定可先預約到我們位於西貢郊野公園的姊妹公司場地查看實物大小。
– Not refundable. Please get the crate size right.  If not sure welcome to go to our sister company site in Sai Kung Country Park to check the size first.
– 司機只會送貨到您家門外地下/大堂, 您們可能需要2位人員搬運上樓回家。
– Driver will only leaves at the lobby so you may need 2 people to carry it upstairs to your property.
– 可告知我們需不需要先裝嵌好才送貨(除了PP80及PP100這兩款送來時必定是已裝嵌好的); 您可能需要考慮裝嵌好後的大小能否通過/進入電梯門。
– Can deliver assembled or assembled (except for PP80 and PP100 which are always assembled) up to your request; eg you may need to check if the crate can fit in the lift after assembled.
– 送貨日期視乎我們司機日程而定, 或需等候一星期才送貨。
– Delivery arrangements depend on our driver’s availability and can take one week.


Additional information


PP75 (500), BB35(150), BB45(200), BB55(300), PP100(*800), PP60(400), PP70(500), PP80(*600), PP90(700)


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