Southside Vet
2013/10/15Homevet is a Southside Vet Housecall Service and we visit many pets in this stretch of HK, as well as elsewhere over the territory.
The South-side includes: Repulse Bay , Deep Water Bay ,South Bay , Shouson Hill, Tai Tam, Shek O, Stanley , and Chung Hom Kok.
These areas are all low density residential areas and have pleasant beaches in the Summer, and good hiking in the Winter. They are popular with pet owners and many HK dog owners like to live here. Pet owners sometimes take their dogs to Big Wave Bay or Shek O in Winter when there is no life guard on, although not on the beaches in the Summer months when life guards are present and many people are swimming. It’s a dog-friendly part of HK, and in addition Stanley Plaza has become a dog-friendly shopping mall.
See Southside Magazine for some more details about life in this part of HK.
Clinics and veterinary hospitals can be scary places, and at Homevet we enjoy being able to practice high-quality veterinary medicine, in a home-oriented way. If you live on the Southside, please call us to book a home appointment.