nurse giving medical care to dog at home


如果你的寵物遇到疼痛,壓力或移動問題,針灸是緩解這些問題的選擇之一。 這種安全有效的治療有助於釋放體內的天然止痛藥,並促進平靜感。 它可以通過恢復平衡和促進愈閤過程來為慢性疼痛,焦慮,關節炎等疾病帶來奇跡。

每次會議的目的是讓你的寵物感覺更好,並支持他們的整體健康。 彆等瞭! 給你的寵物的舒適和救濟,他們應得通過預約今天。


傢用獸醫針灸提供瞭一種方便、無壓力的方法,以改善寵物的健康和福祉。 這就是為什麼這是一個很好的選擇:

方便、靈活的預約 – 安排針灸在您的方便,而不會麻煩旅行或等待時間。


對寵物的壓力更小 –沒有診所訪問或乘車;你的寵物在舒適的傢中保持放鬆。

個性化治療 – 針灸課程是根據寵物的特定需求量身定製的,解決疼痛,移動性和焦慮。

對於多寵物傢庭來說更容易 – 如果你有多隻寵物,那麼你所有的寵物都可以在我們的獸醫一次訪問時進行針灸。

整體治療– 通過恢復平衡,改善循環,減少炎癥來促進自然愈閤。





通過在綫電話或預訂輕鬆安排會話。 獸醫的可用性可能有所不同,所以我們將確認一個對你和你的寵物有效的日期。







Hear what our clients are saying


謝謝馬修博士照顧我的同通。 我們非常信任他,因為他對同通做瞭任何考試和手術。 在每次谘詢中,我們可以看到他是如何愛寵物的,並考慮寵物需要什麼。 我們很高興馬修博士一直是我們狗湯同生活中重要的人之一,超過19年與我們在一起。
親愛的馬修博士和阿什利 昨天我們跟毛毛說瞭最後一聲再見。 非常感謝上個月在他生病期間的建議和護理。 我們很高興我們找到瞭Homevet,我看到瞭我從其他獸醫診所看不到的理解和關心。 感謝你們兩個給我們的幫助,當我們迷路瞭如何治療毛毛的方嚮。 謝謝你!
馬修·默多剋博士是一位高度專業的獸醫。 在我找到他之前,我曾經為我的波美拉尼亞人,阿西西試過另外四隻獸醫。 除瞭專業知識,他對細節的關注,體檢技能和診斷能力是無與倫比的。 此外,他對阿西西的照顧是美妙的,這給瞭我100%的信心。 最後但並非最不重要的是,馬修博士擁有我最感激的醫學倫理。 總而言之,我強烈推薦他給任何需要他們心愛的寵物健康的人。 真的非常感謝他。
安妮 (阿西西)



針灸可以幫助各種疾病,包括慢性疼痛,關節炎,流動性問題,肌肉骨骼損傷,焦慮,消化問題和某些神經係統疾病。 請谘詢獸醫,以確定其適當的用途,您的寵物。

是的,針灸對狗有效,特彆是疼痛管理,流動性問題,關節炎,焦慮和其他健康狀況。 它有助於促進自然愈閤,並提供救濟。

確保你的寵物在安靜的空間中保持平靜。 最好是在會話前你的寵物沒有過於精力充沛,讓他們放鬆並從治療中受益。

是的,傢裏的針灸和診所一樣有效。 它提供瞭相同的好處,增加瞭在熟悉的環境中為您的寵物添加的舒適性。



客戶關懷:9860 5522。


你的寵物是處理疼痛還是焦慮? 針灸可能是他們需要的救濟,有助於促進自然愈閤。 通過我們的傢庭服務,您的寵物可以放鬆,同時我們解決慢性疼痛或康復。 今天預約,幫助你的寵物感覺最好。

For pet owners in Hong Kong, veterinary home visits offer a stress-free and convenient alternative to traditional clinic visits. Whether you have an anxious cat, a senior dog, or a busy schedule, home vet services bring expert care directly to your doorstep. With more pet owners seeking personalized, at-home treatment, veterinary house calls provide a practical and compassionate way to manage your pet’s health.

Benefits of Veterinary Home Visits

Veterinary home visits come with several advantages for both pets and their owners:

  • Less Stress for Pets – Many animals become anxious in a clinic setting due to unfamiliar smells, noises, and other animals. A home visit allows them to stay calm in a familiar environment.
  • Personalized, Unrushed Care – Unlike busy clinics where appointments may be rushed, home visits allow for more time with the vet, ensuring a thorough examination and discussion.
  • Convenience for Owners – No need to arrange transport, wait in a clinic, or juggle multiple pets at once. The vet comes to you, saving time and hassle.
  • Ideal for Senior or Mobility-Impaired Pets – Older pets, large dogs, or those recovering from surgery often struggle with travel. Home visits eliminate the need for stressful trips to the clinic.
  • Safer for Multi-Pet Households or Contagious Conditions – Reduces the risk of spreading infections or dealing with territorial conflicts in a waiting room setting.


Common Services Offered During Home Visits

A home visit vet can provide a wide range of essential veterinary services, including:

  • Routine checkups and vaccinations to keep your pet healthy and up to date. Anything that can been seen and treated in a consult room can general be treated at home.
  • Microchipping and parasite prevention to ensure safety and protection.
  • Blood tests and diagnostic assessments to detect underlying health issues early.
  • Blood pressure tests sometimes at home the animals are more calm so the readings are easier to perform.
  • Ultrasound examinations for a more detailed internal evaluation, all done at home.
  • Treatment for minor illnesses, wound care, and post-surgical follow-ups.
  • Euthanasia and end-of-life care in a peaceful, familiar environment.
  • Pet travel consultations to guide owners through health certificates, vaccinations, and relocation requirements. We only do this for clients using a Travel Agent to be most secure.


How to Prepare for a Veterinary Home Visit

A little preparation can help ensure a smooth and efficient appointment:

  • Create a comfortable space – Choose a quiet, well-lit area where the vet can examine your pet without distractions. If your dog or cat needs a blood test we will need a raised surface like a sofa or table.
  • Gather medical records – Have any previous vet reports, vaccination records, or test results ready. If you have seen other vets already, inform us in advance so we can get those records to check.
  • Prepare a list of concerns – Note down any symptoms or behavioral changes you’ve noticed in your pet.
  • Keep your pet calm – If your pet is nervous around strangers, allow them time to settle before the vet arrives.
  • Separate other pets if needed – This helps prevent distractions and allows full attention on the pet being examined.

When Not to Use a Home Vet

While home visits are ideal for many routine and non-urgent medical concerns, some situations require immediate emergency care at a clinic or hospital. If your pet is experiencing any of the following, seek emergency veterinary attention without delay:

  • Difficulty breathing – Any signs of respiratory distress, gasping for air, or choking.
  • Male cats unable to urinate – A blocked bladder in a male cat is a life-threatening emergency that needs urgent intervention.
  • Seizures that don’t stop – A single seizure may not require emergency care, but if your pet is trapped in an ongoing seizure (status epilepticus), get to a clinic immediately.
  • Severe bleeding or trauma – Large wounds, deep cuts, or injuries from accidents that cause heavy bleeding need rapid treatment.
  • Collapse or loss of consciousness – If your pet is unresponsive or suddenly collapses, they require urgent veterinary care.

In these cases, a home visit is not suitable, and your pet needs immediate treatment at a veterinary clinic or hospital equipped for emergencies.

Finding the Right Home Visit Veterinarian in Hong Kong

Choosing the right vet for home visits is important. Here are key factors to consider:

  • Experience and qualifications – check the staff’s experience and qualifications.
  • Diagnostic capabilities – A vet who can offer bloodwork, and thorough examinations, and ultrasound at home brings more value.
  • Client reviews and reputation – Positive feedback from other pet owners can help you feel confident in your choice.
  • Pet travel expertise – If you plan to relocate, a vet with a deep understanding of international pet travel requirements is essential. Our clinic’s founder Dr Matthew is an accredited BOAS breed assessor and so he can help you with Flat faced dog’s breathing assessments.
  • Compassionate bedside manner – Especially for senior pets or end-of-life discussions, a caring approach makes all the difference.

What to Expect During the Visit

A veterinary home visit typically follows a structured process:

  1. Initial Consultation – The vet will discuss your pet’s medical history, lifestyle, and any concerns you have.
  2. Physical Examination – A thorough checkup, including weight, coat condition, mobility, and any signs of illness.
  3. Diagnostics and Treatment – If needed, tests such as blood work or ultrasound may be performed, along with treatments for any minor health issues.
  4. Aftercare and Advice – The vet will provide recommendations for ongoing care, prescribe medications if necessary, and discuss follow-up steps.

Potential Challenges and How to Address Them

While veterinary home visits are highly convenient, some challenges may arise:

  • Limited space in Hong Kong apartments – Setting up a small, quiet area for the visit helps ensure a smooth exam.
  • Emergency situations – Some cases may still require a clinic visit if surgery or intensive care is needed.
  • Multiple pets in one household – Keeping other pets in a separate room during the visit can minimize distractions.

With a team led by Dr. Matthew Murdoch, who has over a decade of hospital and surgical experience before founding Homevet in 2023, these challenges are expertly managed to provide the best possible care for pets at home.

Why Choose HomeVet Housecall Services in Hong Kong?

We have been doing this since 2013, we are the most experienced vets in Hong Kong offering Housecalls.

When it comes to caring for senior pets or managing end-of-life decisions, compassion and expertise are crucial. HomeVet is known for its gentle bedside manner and thoughtful approach to senior pet care, and palliative treatments at home. The team ensures a peaceful and respectful experience, offering support for both pets and their families.


Veterinary home visits in Hong Kong offer a stress-free, convenient way to ensure your pet receives expert care without the anxiety of a clinic visit. With a team of experienced vets providing routine checkups, diagnostics, ultrasound, and senior pet care, you can feel confident that your pet’s health is in good hands—all from the comfort of your home.

If you’re considering veterinary home visits in Hong Kong, schedule an appointment today and experience the benefits of expert, in-home veterinary care tailored to your pet’s needs.