貓床 和 籠行為治療貓貓護理用品急救用品跳蚤、牛蜱&杜蟲食物腸胃健康綜合保健食品骨骼&關節保健貓砂PET TRAVEL其他產品狗床 和 籠行為治療狗狗護理用品急救用品跳蚤、牛蜱&杜蟲食物腸胃健康綜合保健食品骨骼&關節保健PET TRAVEL其他產品Uncategorized
(English) Drontal plus for dogs (per tablet)
- Provides the most comprehensive treatment for intestinal parasites
- A broad spectrum dewormer that safely and effectively removes common intestinal
worms with a single dose - Safe for use in puppies at least 3 weeks of age and that weigh at least 2 lbs
- One tablet treats 10kgs